First, I need to say that I love all animals and birds - wild and tame.....
In the past, I've owned a horse, a German Sheperd and other dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, fish, chickens, Guinea pig, white mice, gerbils and other "wild captives".
And no, I'm not an animal hoarder - I didn't have these pets all at the same time!
Now, I have my wonderful and very smart Blue Point Siamese cat as my pet.
My reason for getting on this subject - In my great little seacoast neighborhood, I see so many people walking their beloved dog on a leash - but often there will be a dog on the loose and their owner has no clue how to catch them!!
I feel I've been able to train my cat better than that.
I like watching "It's Me or the Dog" and this show helps in training a cat also.
One word voice commands, hand signals and treats all work.
He knows the words come, sit, down, brush, scratch, eat, snack, treat, sun, bed, etc.
If you don't teach them, they can't learn.....